
3D word clouds in video and print


Video example of TeXt using text of Moby Dick (1851) by Herman Melville

The traditional idea of text is to communicate an idea that can be "read." This implies several issues of meaning, intent, social framework, and temporality.
In the end, text exists as permanent, fixed structure that the reader confronts with their own perspective — enthusiasm, skepticism, or confusion.
The structure of a text strives for meaning and value, but this creates a dense network of implication and social context. Examining the text goes hand in hand with examining one's experience of the text.



This collection examines texts as monoliths — fixed in time and space but observable from multiple angles. The language and origin of the authors is abstracted from the original intent and transplanted into --------- ----−------------−-----


The structure of the t-xt creates a sculptural landscape for the observer, but the reality of permanence nece-sitates decis-ons of time -nd space.
Are these photographs of the text?
Acquisiti-ns of the original ideas?
Ar- t-ese ----b--- d fd f--- ---e-w


Special thanks to Guy Yitzhaki's text counting/sorting code